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Datar Cancer Genetics - UK


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No. However, your healthcare provider can advise if Trucheck™ is suitable for you to use alongside standard care screening options.
Yes. A healthcare provider must approve and prescribe a Trucheck™ test for you.

No. In these circumstances, you should seek urgent medical advice.

We can contact your healthcare provider and explain how Trucheck™ works. Alternatively, we can put you in touch with our clinical partners who can discuss Trucheck™ with you.

You can ask your healthcare provider to book an appointment in clinic or at home.

You can request Trucheck™ from your healthcare provider. Alternatively, we can put you in touch with our clinical partners who can discuss Trucheck™ with you.

Trucheckā„¢ Intelli checks for more than 70 solid tumour based cancers.Ā 

Our clinical trials have demonstrated the effectiveness of Trucheck™ when used as an annual test. Therefore, we recommend you take the test on a yearly basis.
Trucheck™ can help people without symptoms, who have a higher cancer risk, due to family history or age. You can ask your healthcare provider if Trucheck™ is suitable for you.

Yes. We can help find you a healthcare provider who can discuss the test with you.

TrubloodĀ® is ultrasensitive detection of circulating tumor cells byĀ  immunocytochemistry (ICC) staining to identify specific subtype.

Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) test involves only enumeration of CTCs. In TrubloodĀ® the initial isolation/harvesting of CTCs is done by specialized proprietary method which helps to isolate maximum number of CTCs followed by their in vitro expansion to amass enough CTCs for further testing. Following this, the CTCs are stained with specific ICC based antibodies to identify histopathological subtype.

Trublood Ā® detects presence of carcinoma i.e. epithelial malignancies. It does not detect haematolymphoid malignancies. Carcinomas are the most common malignancy in adults.

Yes, it can most often differentiate between common subtypes such as adenocarcinoma vs squamous cell carcinoma.

TrubloodĀ® can distinguish common subtypes such as adenocarcinoma vs squamous cell carcinoma vs neuroendocrine tumors. However, classification into some rare subtypes of epithelial malignancies is currently not feasible with TrubloodĀ®.
Trublood® focuses on detection of epithelial malignancy and its subtyping. It does not detect grade of the tumor.
TrubloodĀ® and CTC ā€˜enumerationā€™ are two different solutions with different purpose. TrubloodĀ® is for detection of carcinoma in a patient with specific symptoms or cancer associated signs (e.g. suspicious lesion on radiology). TrubloodĀ® does not provide CTC enumeration and hence is not intended as a baseline for future cancer monitoring of a TrubloodĀ® positive patient.
TrubloodĀ® validation cohort did not include carcinoma in situ cases. However, literature records detection of CTCs in carcinoma in situ cases.
TrubloodĀ® validation cohort included both non-metastatic (early stage) and metastatic cancers and overall sensitivity was found to be 94.6%.
TrubloodĀ® is not a cancer screening test. It is meant for detection of cancer in a suspected patient with either signs or symptoms suggestive of a particular organ involvement.
TrubloodĀ® has been validated for cancer patients suspected with a specific organ involvement e.g. female with complex ovarian cyst on USG of abdomen. The specificity and sensitivity of TrubloodĀ® pertains to such organ specific detection of cancer. It is currently not offered to patients without clinical suspicion of a particular organ involvement.
Peripheral venous blood is collected for TrubloodĀ® test. Even though the method of blood draw is similar to any routine pathology test, TrubloodĀ® requires sample to be collected, stored and transported as per specific instructions provided in TrubloodĀ® kit.

The sample is transported in temperature-controlled boxes.

Consultation with the treating physician to undertake further clinical investigations is advised.

TrubloodĀ® test has been validated and reports objective findings based on immunocytochemistry of circulating tumor cells. It is a very specific test with statistically insignificant chance of a false positive. However, decision for confirmation of presence of malignancy is to be taken by the treating physician, if so desired.
Yes. Clinicians are adopting TrubloodĀ® in people suspected with a particular organ cancer especially where invasive tissue biopsy may not be feasible, such as unwilling patients, inaccessible lesion or associated comorbidities.
Follow up TrubloodĀ® testing after a month and consultation with your treating physician to decide future course is advised.

Trublood<sup>Ā®</sup> cannot be offered to individuals less than 18 years of age, as it has been validated in adults over 18 years of age.

TrubloodĀ® is a non-invasive alternative to tissue biopsy which informs about presence or absence of cancer and if cancer is present, its histopathological subtype. Additional testing for relevant theragnostic markers can also be availed in TrubloodĀ®. Thus, suspected patients can obtain this information without a tissue biopsy.
TrubloodĀ® cannot detect certain mesenchymal or haematolymphoid malignancies. Certain rare subtypes of carcinomas cannot be distinguished/detected with TrubloodĀ®.
Positive result of the TrubloodĀ® test is a decision support tool for the treating clinician and it is the discretion of each doctor to decide the sufficiency of evidence to accept diagnosis and for starting a particular regimen of treatment. Further, doctors take into consideration all the relevant information and test results for an individual patient and the weight to be given to each input will therefore depend upon the clinicianā€™s judgment in each case.
Exacta® is a comprehensive analysis wherein the samples submitted by the patient (e.g., fresh tissue, FFPE blocks, blood, fluids) are analysed in a 360 degree manner ā€“ the DNA, RNA, drug efficacies and suitability, the drug pathways etc, to come up with the most suited drug options for that particular patient. It is a patient-specific recommendation of drugs and drug combinations with a higher potential for success. The selected treatment must be administered only under the supervision of the treating oncologist.

Cancers can be very aggressive and may evolve rapidly, and the tumour profile can change dramatically over time. Starting the treatment immediately is essential as it is the best strategy to counter the aggressiveness of cancer. If there is a long enough delay, cancer may gain resistance to treatments, and re-analysis may be required.

The therapy recommendation will include only those drugs which have been approved by the FDA for use – in a patient’s cancer type or any cancer type, as well as those drugs that are used to treat non-cancerous conditions. Investigational anti-cancer drugs will never be suggested.

Liquid biopsy permits real-time high-frequency monitoring of disease status and response to treatment. It effectively identifies signs of recurrence or emergent chemoresistance, as well as newer vulnerabilities of the tumor. This information empowers the treating clinician to make appropriate therapeutic course corrections in real-time to benefit the quality of life plus overall and progression-free survival.

chemo-scale is a powerful analysis performed on live tumor cells. It reveals which drugs or combinations will kill the cancer of a patient more effectively. It displaces the costly ‘trial and error’ method where the patient suffers enormously. We analyse the response of cancer to all NCCN-recommended, labelled, and off-label chemotherapy chemo-scale enables the patient and the oncologist to make informed decisions based on actual evidence of therapy response and possible resistance.

Newly diagnosed patients for choosing the best among the first-line chemotherapy drugs For patients with cancer recurrence The test is presently available for all solid organ tumors.

Not all drugs work the same on all patients. Some of them may not prove beneficial for the patient and waste valuable time and resources at a critical point in treatment. With chemo-scale, there is a way to know how effective the treatment will be before starting your treatment.
Commonly available molecular tests provide information mainly about targeted therapy drugs, where chemotherapy is the most common first therapy. chemo-scale evaluates the actual response of cancer cells to chemotherapy and combination drugs. The key difference between other tests and chemo-scale is that the best drugs are identified for treatment by studying the direct effect of drugs on tumor cells, thus enabling accurate advice.
chemo-scale&tradeĀ can be used for the majority of cancers where chemotherapy is a treatment option.

The results are made available in 8-10 working days once we receive the sample.

The rapid and continuous evolution of the molecular profile of tumors results in tumor heterogeneity, which confers significant survival benefits on the tumor. Cancertrack unravels these molecular features in real-time to identify critical signs linked to recurrence or emerging drug resistance and novel vulnerabilities, which can help the treating clinician to avail optimum treatments to intercept such cancers in a timely manner.

Cancertrack<sup>trade;</sup> should ideally be performed at every important milestone in the fight against cancer and especially when the tumor has disappeared from the conventional imaging/patient is under follow-up for recurrence monitoring.

While Cancertrack is extremely robust and multi-dimensional, like every molecular diagnostic technique, constraints naturally arising due to biological function in an individual patient may impact performance. However, such events are usually averaged out in sequential testing.

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